Laboratory of Advance Research in Applied Mathematics

“Intelligent Distributed Systems, Multimedia applications, and High Performance Computing”

HEAD OF LABORATORY Prof. Mihaela Sterpu, PhD  E-mail:


Applications of the theory of categories in  the study of algebras of  fuzzy logic

Nonsupersingular elliptic curves subspaces study with applications on digital declaration

Nonlinearities on elliptic curves with application in cryptanalysis

Nonlinear models on  encoding systems


Dynamics and bifurcation in dynamic systems with applications in economy and biology

Optimisation of projection algorithms used for data analysis

Parallelisation techniques applied for optimised iterative methods

Fuzzy models with applications in reasoning and pattern recognition

Nonlinear analysis with applications in mechanical engineering

Calculus of variations with applications in non-smooth mechanics

Applications of convex analysis in elasticity

Optimisations problems in convex analysis

Controllability and stability properties of partial differential equations

Optimal and approximate control of finite-difference approximation schemes for partial differential equations