„Advanced procedures for the modelling, identification and non-linear control of biological, biochemical and biotechnological processes, including related areas”
Prof. Eng. Dan Selisteanu, PhD
E-mail: office@incesa.ro
Enhanced performance in significant areas such as bioindustry, medicine and wastewater treatment can be achieved by using ultimate monitoring and control methods.
Bioprocesses are complex systems, characterised by non-linearities, delays, certainties and lack of cheap and reliable sensors.
The modelling, identification and control of such processes can be done by using interdisciplinary approaches (control systems, biochemistry, mathematics, informatics).
Bioprocess modelling
Off-line identification
On-line estimation
Bioprocess control (nonlinear)
Bioprocess control (adaptive)
Bioprocess control (hybrid)
Data acquisition
Real-time monitoring
Research Facilities and Tools
QNET HVAC and QNET DC Motor Control Trainers
Both tools provided by Quanser and National Instruments are useful for control teaching and research.
QNET Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Trainer for NI ELVIS platform is used for research in the field of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics control.
QNET DC Motor Control Trainer for NI ELVIS platform is a versatile unit useful motor servo control
CAN interface module plus simulation, implementation and testing software
The equipment and the software allow the simulation, implementation and testing of CAN communication with Matlab/Simulink/State flow compatibility.
It allows the simultaneous use of multiple CAN databases.
It can be accessed from Matlab®/Simulinkin a standard library form.
It allows the simultaneous use of multiple CAN databases.
Experimental platform for data acquisition and control
The platform is suited to manage advanced control concepts and theories relevant to real world applications.
Useful for develop feedback laws to control position and speed for linear cart systems.
Allows the implementation the controllers on the actual system and evaluate its performance.
Brunswick’s BioFlo®/CelliGen® 115
The New Brunswick’s BioFlo/Celli Gen® (Eppendorf) is a benchtop bioreactor, designedtoprovidethe versatility to grow a wide variety of cells. It can be used for biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, biofuels, R&D, testing labs, etc.ith hierarchical priorities
Systematic methodologies for developing various models of biochemical and biotechnological processes
Model properties analysis and the role of these properties in estimation and control
Development of novel identification and estimation methods for state and parameters of bioprocesses
Design of advanced nonlinear control strategies for some classes of bioprocesses
The applicability of the developed research can be extended to other related areas