HEAD OF CENTER Ec. Camelia Maria Olari, PhD E-mail


The University of Craiova becomes:

  • Center for training and development of skills of employees of companies in SV Oltenia in a personalized manner.
  • Labor supply center through the training and development of students and the creation of permanent communication channels with employers.
  • Provides students with personalized training modules facilitating their integration into the labor market.


1. Facilitates meetings with employers to discover the directions of skills development (technical and non-technical – software). Build proposals adapted to companies. Provides guidance / mentoring to students during their evolution by intervening adapted to each other’s progress.

2. Program dedicated to UCV students

The program aims to train and develop students’ skills and abilities in an adapted / personalized manner from the educational area to the business menu, where the requirements and the way of working are different from their expectations.

3. Collaboration with employers Întâlniri și workshopuri frecvente cu scopul identificării nevoilor de formare și dezvoltare a competențelor angajaților companiilor. Alinierea așteptărilor angajatorilor cu profilul de absolvenți ce urmeaza să fie recrutați.

Collaboration with employers

Frequent meetings and workshops in order to identify the needs for training and development of the skills of company employees. Aligning employers’ expectations with the profile of graduates to be recruited.


The University of Craiova becomes:

Provides students with personalized training modules facilitating their integration into the labor market.

Center for training and development of skills of employees of companies in SV Oltenia in a personalized manner.

Labor supply center through the training and development of students and the creation of permanent communication channels with employers.


1. Identification needs and program customization for companies

2. The student training-development process


Information management,

Project manager, assistants / Key Accounts dedicated to each segment of the project,

key accounts prepared of UCV, responsible for managing the relationship with companies,

Mentors – internal within each department/faculty for student training and development, team of trainers and creators content materials – internal or external


1. Psychological profiling questionnaires, aptitude tests, technical

2. Catalog of programs, teaching materials necessary for each module of the developed programs. Application

– Student database

– Centralizes the evolution of each student in the program.

3. Extract candidates fit for a JOB.

4. Technical laboratories equipped for technical modules, classrooms for language and soft skills

5. Elements and methods of recruitment, training and motivation of teams