Laboratory of  Physical—Chemical Characterisation and Materials Testing 

High-quality research activities for a great variety of users based on our experience in synthesis, processing and characterisation of advanced materials”


Senior Lecturer Nicoleta CIOATERA, PhD/Assoc. Prof. Mariana OSIAC, PhD



Recent developments in the field of nanomaterials synthesis, functionalisation and processing fostered the dynamic development of optical, electrical and mechanical devices. In this context, the understanding of the complex relationship composition-structure-properties will enable the design of devices with the intended performances.


Processing of advanced materials as thin film and  nanostructures films  

Complex complementary investigation of thin film and multistructure

Structural and morphological investigation of materials by HR-XRD, confocal Raman spectrocopy, SEM

Investigation of thermal behaviour by dilatometry and thermal treatment under oxidative, inert and reducing atmosphere Electrochemical  investigation of solides oxides

Research Facilities and Tools

Pulsed Laser Deposition System

The research focuses on thelaser processing functional materials based on thin film and nanostructures by means of PLD pulsed  deposition (PLD).

InVia confocal Raman microscope Renishaw

The high resolution Raman microscope equipped with two laser lines (532 nm and 785 nm, respectively) and a Leica DM2500 microscope allows line scans, area mapping and volume scans.

Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope Hitachi SU8010

Hitachi SU8010 cFE-SEM is used for high resolution Imaging (SE resolution 1.3 nm at landing voltage 1.0 V) with magnification up to 800 000X. The microscope is equipped with an Oxford EDXS unit capable to determine elements down to Be.

Horizontal Dilatometer/DTA  L75 PT Linseis

It allows for the evaluation of thermal behaviour for a wide variety of samples. Measurements can be performed under vacuum, as well as under oxidizing and reducing atmospheres.  The following physical properties can be determined: CTE, sintering temperature, softening point, decomposition temperature, glass transition temperature.

X-Ray Diffraction System SmartLab RIGAKU

The high resolution XRDsystem equipped with an  AntonPaar HTK 2000N high temperature chamber is featured by a great variety of optical components.  This system allows for phase identification and texture analysis. ICDD PDF4/Organics and ICSD databases are available to confirm the phase identification.hical priorities


Pulsed laser deposition thin films, nanostructured films for gas and bio-sensing

Pulsed laser deposition of thin oxide films on various substrates investigation of chemical composition  and kinetics of facial layer growth during deposition

Innovative ceramic materials for fuel cells

Hybrid materials for waste water treatment

Pulsed laser deposition (PLD), reactive PLD of nanostructured films for new applications in nanoelectronics, chemistry, and metallurgy

Complex complementary investigations of thin films and multi-structures